Gollwitzer, A. Martel, C. McPartland, J.C. & Bargh, J.A.
Autism spectrum traits predict higher social psychological skill.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Gollwitzer, A. Marshall, J. & Bargh, J.A.
Pattern deviancy aversion predicts prejudice via a dislike of statistical minorities.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Earp, B., Knobe, J., Monrad, J., Cohen, L., LaFrance, M., Richeson, J., Crockett, M., Clark, M, & Bargh, J.
Gender bias in pediatric pain assessment.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
Bargh, J. A.
The modern unconscious.
World Psychiatry,
Bargh, J. A., & Melnikoff, D.
Does physical warmth prime social warmth? Reply to Chabris et al.
Social Psychology.