
*Disclaimer: Electronic versions of papers are provided as a professional courtesy to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. Copyright (and all rights therein) resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. These files may not be reposted without permission of the copyright holder. John A. Bargh asserts no COI on any of these publications. Funding comes from the university, unless otherwise noted.

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  1. Bargh, J. A., Fitzsimons, G. M., & McKenna, K. Y. A. (2003) The self, online. In S. J. Spencer, S. Fein, M. P. Zanna, & J. M. Olson (Eds.), Motivated social perception: The Ontario symposium (Vol. 9). Ontario symposium on personality and social psychology (pp. 195-213). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.


  1. Bargh, J.A. (2002) Losing consciousness: Automatic influences on consumer judgment, behavior and motivation. Journal of Consumer Research, 29, 280-285.
  2. Duckworth, K.L., Bargh, J.A., Garcia, M., & Chaiken, S. (2002) The automatic evaluation of novel stimuli. Psychological Science, 6, 515-519.
  3. Hassin, R. R., Bargh, J. A., & Uleman, J. S. (2002) Spontaneous causal inferences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 515-522.
  4. Todorov, A., & Bargh, J. A. (2002) Automatic sources of aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 7, 53-68.
  5. Chartrand, T. & Bargh, J.A. (2002) Nonconscious motivations: Their activation, operation, and consequences. In A. Tesser, D.A. Stapel, & J.W. Wood (Eds.), Self and motivation: Emerging psychological perspectives (pp. 13-41). Washington, D.C.: APA.
  6. Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2002) Sensitivity and flexibility: Exploring the knowledge function of automatic attitudes. In L. F. Barrett, & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence. Emotions and social behavior (pp. 383-405). New York, NY: Guilford Press.


  1. Bargh, J.A., Gollwitzer, P. M., Lee-Chai, A., Barndollar, K., & Troetschel, R. (2001) The automated will: Nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81, 1014-1027.
  2. Dijksterhuis, A. & Bargh, J.A. (2001) The perception-behavior expressway: Automatic effects of social perception on social behavior. In M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 33, pp. 1-40.
  3. Chen, S., Lee-Chai, A.Y. & Bargh, J.A. (2001) Relationship orientation as a moderator of the effects of power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 173-187.


  1. Bargh, J.A. & Ferguson, M.J. (2000) Beyond behaviorism: The automaticity of higher mental processes. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 925-945.
  2. Bargh, J.A. & Chartrand, T.L., (2000) Studying the mind in the middle: A practical guide to priming and automaticity research. In H.T. Reis and C.M. Judd (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology, New York: Cambridge University Press.


  1. Bargh, J.A., & Chartrand, T.L. (1999) The unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist, 54, 462-479.
  2. Chartrand, T.L. & Bargh, J.A. (1999) The chameleon effect: The perception-behavior link and social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 893-910.
  3. Chen, M., & Bargh, J. A. (1999) Consequences of automatic evaluation: Immediate behavioral predispositions to approach or avoid the stimulus. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 215-224.